Let's Start This Again...

Well, here we are already in 2025. I had grand plans last year to be back on the blog posting grind…but quickly lost track. A goal of mine this year is to share more of what I’m photographing throughout the year, both professionally and some personally as well. I fully fall into the belief of photographing/documenting your life.

I’m gonna share some of my favorite photographs I took throughout the last year in the next few posts. In this post in particular I’m starting off with a bit of a cheat from a wedding I shot in December of 23…juuuust before the start of 2024. This wedding was up on the North Shore of Massachusetts in Gloucester…a quintessential North Shore town by the ocean. I love a good black and white image that focuses on content and shape, silhouettes, images with good light, storytelling photos, dance circles with grandmothers, bistro lights, and photos with a pink cloud…all of which I’ve shared below!


A Batifol wedding


At Home Family Session